Saturday, March 08, 2008


During my cocooning phase over the last 9 months, I've found several hobbies and creative outlets. Besides the videos, I also re-discovered my love of photography. I have boxes of photos that I need to organize, and I sort of got tired of taking pictures, getting them developed, only to find a few good shots in the whole batch.

I don't know why I never got around to getting a digital camera. I'm a cheapskate, I suppose, so I'm always lagging behind on the technology. I'd been in the market for a digital camera for over a year, and also couldn't figure out which camera I wanted. Finally, on an impulse I found my Panasonic TZ3 on sale at Costco the week after Christmas. So, Merry Christmas to me. I love this little camera.

Check out my photos on Flickr

Preening duck

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