We met online in July 2004, as we had both recently started riding motorcycles and were looking for like-minded people to ride with.
We hit it off immediately. At the time when we met, I had recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer, and was scheduled to have a hysterectomy at the end of August. She visited me in the hospital, brought me fruit and ice cream and made me laugh during my recovery.
A few weeks later, I got an invite from the Gypsy Riders, a local women's motorcycle group. She and I attended a meeting and found a special, warm group of women who welcomed us with open arms.
A few months later, Deidra was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had surgery and chemo, and started to recover beautifully. I talked her into joining me on a trip to the Bahamas to swim with wild dolphins in November 2005. It was the trip of a lifetime for both of us.
A few months later, I ended up dropping out of the group, quit riding and took another direction. She found her place with the Gypsies. She found a special family.
I am sad that I did not get to spend more time with her, but the times we had will be in my memory forever.
With her passing, I have reconnected with several of the Gypsy women whom I really love, and that is a blessing. I am also very grateful that I was able to say goodbye to her on her final night in physical form.
She is free now. Though it is hard for those left behind who loved her, this is what her soul chose. We don't need to say goodbye, only so long, until we meet again. Ride on, dear sister!