During my cocooning phase over the last 9 months, I've found several hobbies and creative outlets. Besides the videos, I also re-discovered my love of photography. I have boxes of photos that I need to organize, and I sort of got tired of taking pictures, getting them developed, only to find a few good shots in the whole batch.
I don't know why I never got around to getting a digital camera. I'm a cheapskate, I suppose, so I'm always lagging behind on the technology. I'd been in the market for a digital camera for over a year, and also couldn't figure out which camera I wanted. Finally, on an impulse I found my Panasonic TZ3 on sale at Costco the week after Christmas. So, Merry Christmas to me. I love this little camera.
I've been a slacker. No blog posts since last June. Since that time, life has been a blur of changes. I've let go of a lot which no longer served me. I've been rediscovering my creativity. Art was a huge childhood passion of mine. I've also been exploring a new path of Q'ero shamanism. It involves a lot of inner work, a lot of soul searching, a lot of mental housecleaning, and some lessons that are not so easy to learn. The most profound thing I've had to face is how we are all mirrors for each other. If we love or hate something about someone, it is reflecting something we love or hate about ourselves. No exceptions! This is hard to process sometimes, especially the negative stuff. But life is all about the lessons. One of my newfound passions is making videos that are spiritually guided. This one speaks to the circle of life and the lessons we have come here to learn.
I live in Scottsdale, AZ with my daughter, two grandsons and my elderly Tibetan Spaniel, Taz.
Career-wise, I have worked in telecommunications and networking for the last decade. I've been working as a contractor/freelancer for the last couple of years, partly by choice, partly out of necessity. I tried breaking into life coaching but I found it wasn't really what I wanted to do.
At this moment, along with looking for meaningful work, I also volunteer with Hospice of the Valley.
I am trying to live in the now, grateful for all the blessings in my life while practicing voluntary simplicity.
The changes and challenges we are going through as a society, as human beings are huge.
I'm feeling my way through life and trying to just be the light and the change I hope to see in the world.
In the meantime, I'm still not sure what I want to be when I grow up... ;-)